When searching, limit your search to links only, like so: 'desired album mega|zippyshare|mediafire' >'I don't know how to find what I'm looking for in the archive' Google 'blogspot + artist name + album name' Check the archive for a live link before requesting? No samples on YouTube, Soundcloud? Drag'n'drop any mp3 on Soulseek / rutracker are your friends, too - just don't argue in this thread about it Avoid sharing / requesting things that are already on the archive Send thanks if you have downloaded something to let them know they did a good thing Include correct format (artist / band, title of release, year of release, cover art, the file type (v0, 320 mp3, FLAC, etc), short description, YouTube sample, link) SHARETHREAD: 30's edition Anonymous 02:38:03 Post No.